Jul 27, 2011

10 minutes update !

okayy . hye , assalamualaikum (:
wey wey , ada masa skit laa jugak en untk update blog .
bukan apaa , sbb bttry laptop nk hbes . haha * terok jaa --"

okayy , firstly . about my handball .

okayy , standing with number 8 . haha (:
1 kalah , 1 seri --" okayy laa tuh .
bila di tambah , di tolak , di darab , di bahagi , di square kan .
and di function kan , and segala bagaii apaa math equation tuhh .
xdapat masuk semi-final . :DD hahaha  
sokay guys , you guys did very well laa . hee . try next year .

next , on the same day . my fiends went to KL .
for Petronas Science Competition (:
they did very well , i know . even kita org xpegi sokong .
but , i know you all can do the best . terkilan mehh xdpt pegi sokong :(
huhuh . apee pon , whatever the result , we still proud of you .
SMK DERMA be the best , beat the rest (:

till end , eh . btw , good luck yaw (: bagi menang .
haha . nicee . assalam . jumpa on next post * kalau rajin --"

2 budak tough tido :D:

Unknown said... tindak balas :)

heeee dia main macam2.handball lah,kwad lagi.hebak2

PahitManeh said... tindak balas :)

hahah . msok jaa semua . thun dpn xley msk mcm2 :DD