Okay , well alhamdulilah . Now Im studying at UiTM Puncak Alam and also known as Palam , haha . What course ? Asasi Sains (: Dekat sana also ada Asasi Kejuruteraan . So for adik adik SPM now , Palam is the best place for you to continue your study in foundation . Aiceh , promote plak . But if nak suruh ceritakan pasal Palam , yups sure I can . Bcs so many sweet memories that I had here except homesick . Yang tu normal untuk students bukan asrama mcm aku , haha . Im just finished my sem 1 , and will continue my sem 2 at the end of this month . Hm
This is my classmates with our mentor , Sir Megat (: As you all can see , girls power lebih kuat ni . Ramai girls but terbalik dengan kelas kelas for asasi engine , dekat sana jumlah girls dalam kelas mcm jumlah boys dkt atas gambar . Haha . Yang best tentang kelas ni , semua orang satu kepala ada problem semua tolong settle , apa segala cerita gosip satu kelas tahu haha . Unite laa kiranya , tapi dekat last last nak final semua makin senyap sebab study haha .
During our last lab biology session with Miss Liza (:
During our last lab chemistry session with Miss Hikamah (:
And also we have physics lab , but takda gambar last dlm lab phy . haha
This will be our first and last to iftar together . " Kejap jaaa masa berlalu , now dah habis sem1 and next is sem2 . Then habis , after that degree lepas tu kahwin hahahaha " - Sir Megat .
And last but not least , Im introduced to you my bestfriends there :D Syada and Alia (: ada jugak org panggil kami ni Trio . sebab ke kelas ke cafe kami bertiga jaa . sorang orang perak sorang orang kl , and yang penting depa cakap utara lawak muehehe . Cant wait to meet both of you *muntah hijau* hahaha .
Ohh , aku tak cita pasal housemates aku yaa ? Fuhh , dah cita pasal kelas pon dah best inikan pulak housemates hahaha . Yang penting housemates aku takda sorang pon Utara -.- and total dalam house 8 orang (: roomate aku , Terengganu (: Others tu Perak , Melaka , Kelantan and Johor . And swear tk tipu depa ni superb semua , haha . Gambar tu adaa , nantilahh diceritakan pasal depaa ni haha . Well Alhamdulilah with this new journey . Glad to have all this new people in my life (: Ada hikmah kenapa aku tak go Mara kan . Ada hikmah kenapa aku tak go Matrik kan . Because Allah is the best planner . Going to the next chapter , Semester 2 . Bismillahirahmanirahim . See you on the next post ! Assalamualaikum (: