Feb 6, 2011

the title :)

wahhh, esok dh sekolah laa . huhu.
cmna cuti ? best ? okayy x ? fun ? bored ?
for me, it was a bored holiday ever in my life :D haha
because of what ? my father xdpt cuti. so ? stay kt umah saja. huhu
and, it sokay. plus, homework sgt laa bnyk pada cuti ini.
tah pa pa laa. and my hw . certain yg xciap. and ad yg ciap oke :D haha

erm, 7HB esok . suma yg dpt twran nk p dftr dh. :)
i wish you all, have a nice days there. new environment.
new school, different ways of stdy , and for sure. NEW FRIENDS :)
haha. good luck kt sana. srvive kt sna maneh2. and .

so, lets see the different sentences here :D


okay, kawan2. kita jmpa esok yaa. rndu gilaa kt korg. sgt2 rndu. huhu. esok kita gosip2 lagi. and kita lalui hari2 brsama. haha. and budak klas aku makin brkurang. :( batch aku juga. sedeyh nyaa. xpelaa. hope diowg happy disana. ELAKKAN BULI :) jangan pernah lupa DERMA yg bg korg berjaya. dan juga cikgu2 yg wt kita berjaya :') huhu. go go derma batch 60 ! 


waaa. sedeynya, nk kena tingal family , kawan2 yg dh 3tahun aku kenai. and also you. huk3. sdeyh nk tglkan sgalanya di derma. erm, aku hope ley dpt ramai kawan kt sana. and bley survive kt sana :') huhu. aku jugak xkan lupa derma. and cikgu2 :) huhu. we love derma forever and ever :) so, kita jmpa sebulan lg yew ? nty aku cuti kita jmpa lagi yaa. jgn penah lupa aku :)

so, of course its different :) aku sayang gilaa derma
and also the students of derma
my besties ! my special ! and others !
 okayy, mybe last post. klo pa2 , 
aku roger kt sini. hee :)
as salam to all readers :) 

0 budak tough tido :D: